As we age, taking care of our joints becomes increasingly important. Anil Baghi Hospital, a leading healthcare provider in Firozpur, is offering tips to help older adults maintain healthy joints and an active lifestyle.“Maintaining strong and healthy joints is essential for mobility and independence,” says Dr. Tajinder Bhalla, an eminent Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement Surgeon at Anil Baghi Hospital. “By incorporating simple lifestyle changes, older adults can significantly reduce their risk of joint pain and stiffness.”
Anil Baghi Hospital recommends the following tips for maintaining joint health in older adults:
- Engage in low-impact exercises.Maintain good posture. Maintain a healthy weight. Keep your diet in mind.
Dr. Tajinder Bhalla is available for consultation at Anil Baghi Hospital. To schedule an appointment, call the toll-free number 1800 309 2730.