Welcome to Anil Baghi Hospital - NABH Accredited Tertiary Care

Anil Baghi Hospital, a leading healthcare provider in the region, is offering expert consultations for patients experiencing painful urination.
This condition can be caused by various factors and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Anil Baghi Hospital’s team of experienced urologists, led by Dr. Manbir Singh, is committed to providing comprehensive diagnosis and treatment options to ensure patients receive the best possible care.
“Painful urination is a common issue, but it shouldn’t be ignored,” said Dr. Manbir Singh. “Our urology department offers personalized consultations to determine the cause of your discomfort and recommend the most effective treatment plan.”

Anil Baghi Hospital offers the following for patients experiencing painful urination:

  • Expert consultations with Dr. Manbir Singh, a highly qualified urologist.
  • Advanced diagnostic procedures to pinpoint the underlying cause.
  • A range of treatment options tailored to your individual needs.

If you are experiencing painful urination, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Manbir Singh at Anil Baghi Hospital. Call our toll-free number 1800 309 2730 or our helpline number 75298-75298 to book an appointment.
