Welcome to Anil Baghi Hospital - NABH Accredited Tertiary Care

Anil Baghi Hospital, the NABH-accredited super specialty hospital and No. 1 ranked hospital in Punjab by the National Health Authority and State Health Agencies Punjab, introducing its Family Membership Card, offering comprehensive and affordable healthcare for families at just Rs. 1,499/- (valid for one year).
This innovative program provides exceptional benefits, including:
• Free OPD Consultations: Unlimited access to outpatient department (OPD) consultations for any specialty for any family member throughout the year.
• Family coverage: Up to five family members can be covered under a single card, ensuring complete care for loved ones.
• Discounted Diagnostics: A 5% discount on all laboratory investigations, CT-Scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and mammograms.
“At Anil Baghi Hospital, we believe that quality healthcare should be accessible to everyone,” said Dr. Saurabh Baghi, CEO at Anil Baghi Hospital. “The ABH Family Membership Card is designed to make preventive and early medical intervention affordable and convenient for families. We want to encourage regular check-ups and early diagnosis, which can prevent the onset of serious illnesses and improve overall health outcomes.” The Family Membership Card offers incredible value for money, providing substantial cost savings on OPD consultations and diagnostic tests. Additionally, regular interaction with medical professionals allows for early detection of potential health issues, promoting preventive care and better long-term health.
To enroll in the ABH Family Membership program or for more information, contact: 1800 309 2730, 62396-08365, 75298-75298.
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