Anil Baghi Hospital, Ferozepur, is raising awareness about kidney stones, a common and potentially painful condition, urging residents to seek medical attention promptly if they experience any of the following warning signs:
• Vomiting with pain.
• Fever with pain and cold feeling.
• difficulty urinating
“Early detection and treatment of kidney stones are crucial to avoid complications,” says Dr. Manbir Singh, renowned Urologist at Anil Baghi Hospital. “Ignoring these warning signs can lead to severe pain, infection, and even kidney damage.”
Dr. Singh emphasizes the importance of consulting a qualified urologist like himself if any of these symptoms are present. Anil Baghi Hospital boasts advanced diagnostic facilities and comprehensive treatment options for kidney stones, including minimally invasive procedures.
To book an appoint call our Toll-Free number 1800 309 2730 and Helpline number: 75298-75298
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