Welcome to Anil Baghi Hospital - NABH Accredited Tertiary Care

A free mega camp by ENT Specialist will be organized at Anil Baghi Hospital, Ferozepur City from 11th September 2023 to 26th September 2023 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM and 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM.

This camp will be staffed by a team of experienced medical professionals with Dr. Asitama Sarkar (M.B.B.S, M.S ENT Head & Neck Surgery, Fellowship in Laryngology (APSI)

Consultant ENT Specialist & Endoscopist).

This camp is being organized as part of Anil Baghi Hospital’s commitment to provide quality healthcare to the community.

This camp is a great opportunity to get a free consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Patients are requested to bring their old X-rays and past medical reports/records (if any) to the camp.

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Instagram: @anilbaghihospital
